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Terms of Service

Terms & Conditions is operated and wholly owned by Dr Santosh Parab, Hypnotherapist and Trainer and Santosh MARG and companies.

By using these recordings, you agree to be legally bound by these terms. These terms may be updated by us occasionally without notice to you. You should review the website every now and then for changes to these terms. Important Information Our Hypnotherapy recordings are intended to help you to make positive enhancements to your life, using our hypnosis recordings.

Our hypnosis apps and recordings are not a substitute for medical treatment. Hypnotherapy is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or disorder of any kind. If you are in any doubt you should seek the advice of your doctor or therapist. You agree to always follow the instructions and advice which come with the products and information on this website and associated websites. When listening to recorded hypnosis sessions, you must be in a safe environment where you can take approximately 30 minutes to relax. You must never listen to hypnosis, our apps, or hypnosis recordings while driving or when you need to maintain alertness.

Permitted use of hypnotherapy recordings:

You purchase of this any of our hypnosis recordings through any of our purchasing channels constitutes your understanding and agreement to listen to the recordings as we have suggested.

This Website provides for additional services and subscriptions available upon payment of a fee. The fees, duration and conditions for the accounts and paid services are highlighted in the relevant section of this Website. All content is copyright protected and is for personal use only. You may not use any part of the content for commercial purposes. You may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of this Website, the recordings, trademarks, nominal or figurative, and all other marks, trade names, illustrations, images, or logos.

We reserve the right to suspend recordings or apps at any time.


Your use of the hypnosis recordings and apps is at your sole risk.

Disclaimers & Liability

So far as permitted by law, and except in respect of death or personal injury arising from negligence, our liability for loss or damage of any kind resulting from the use of our hypnosis recordings or any content, advertisements or products provided or distributed through the website or other channels or our websites including, without limitation, economic loss or any special, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage, whether or not the possibility of such loss has been notified to us shall be limited to the aggregate purchase price of your hypnosis apps and downloads. The foregoing will apply whether such loss or damage arises in contract, negligence, under statute or otherwise. Nothing in these terms affects any liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

General Information

These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us. Any failure by us to exercise or enforce any provision of these terms shall not constitute a waiver of such provision. The Owner reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time, informing Users by publishing a notice within this Website. Users who continue to use this Website after the publication of the changes accept the new Terms in their entirety.

These Terms and any dispute concerning the implementation, interpretation and validity of this agreement are subject to Indian' law.

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